Useful Questions For Buyers To Ask An Agent


Asking The Right Questions

House hunting can be difficult, especially if you’re not sure what you’re looking for. However, by creating a list of questions to ask at a property viewing, you can be better prepared and ensure you leave as informed as possible.

How Long Has The Property Been On The Market?

Market conditions aside, if a house has been on the market a long time (more than three months) it’s wise to ask the agent why the think it hasn’t yet sold. Are there problems that other people have realised and you haven’t? Or is it just overpriced?



How Did The Agent Decide On The Asking Price?

A good estate agent will provide you with their justifications for their asking price, which you can judge. You should still compare the asking price to other similar properties in the local area.



Have There Been Any Offers So Far?

An agent will most likely tell you if there have been any other offers,but will not divulge how much they were. If you can find out about previous Interest, it obviously makes it easier to know what you should offer.



Are The Sellers Part Of A Chain?

It’important to have a timeline of a potential purchase. If you’re in no rush to move, then this may not concern you. However, it’s useful to know if the sellers have already found another property and if so, how far down the chain they are. The sellers may also be selling their home and buying a new one, or they may be completing two transactions at once.


Have Any Major Works Been Carried Out?

If so, you should take a look at any relevant planning permission and building control consents (If applicable). In most cases you can search online for the planning applications, both granted and refused, on the local planning authority website.





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