We provide a professional service for every client and ensure we can advertise the widest selection of homes possible, in order to cater for every buyer we have registered on our mailing list. As an Independent agency we have no restrictions in the locations we can market a property, giving us a free-rein to help and assist anyone looking to sell their home, in any given location.
Can't find what you're looking for?
Scan through our listings below or on our and Rightmove and Zoopla pages. If you can't find what you're looking for, don't hesitate to call us for properties yet to be listed. We are driven and motivated to find you the perfect property and understand many of our clients have specific requirements and desires for their next home. Give us a call and let us know what you're looking for, to ensure you don't miss out in the future.
Where To Find Us
Pop in for a chat and let us assist you further
We occupy an office on one the most prominent parts of the High Street, right in the heart of the Town Centre on Middle Gate. Despite the influence of the online only craze, we feel it is still extremely important to have an active presence within Newark by making ourselves as easily accessible at time that best suits our clients and members of the public. Our branch is open 6 days a week Monday- Friday 9am-6pm and Saturday 9am-4pm. Although the sign on the door states we are CLOSED on a Sunday, we are still actively working behind the scenes, conducting viewings and valuations at your request. We also pledge to make ourselves available to take any calls and deal with all enquiries as quickly as possible. We are committed to helping you through your property journey; whether you are buying or selling we ensure informative and transparent advice right from the outset.